Type |
c/n |
Reg |
History |
DH.89A Dragon Rapide |
6256 |
DH.89 Dragon Rapide c/n 6256 [CofA 4602 issued 10.12.34 to Cyril Hull (although sold new to African Air Transport via Jack Barclay Ltd). Departed Hatfield 29.12.34 for Johannesburg; pilot HN Hawker. Regd 31.1.35 to African Air Transport Ltd, Germiston; named "Mau Hea Tom". Regn cld 30.6.38 to Southern Rhodesia. Regd VP-YBZ [CofR 59] 6.38 to Rhodesian & Nyasaland Airways, Salisbury. Taken over by SRAS as 302 9.39. Crashed 11.43. |
DH.89A Dragon Rapide
6380 |
DH.89 Dragon Rapide c/n 6380 [CofA 6047 issued 13.9.37 to DH South Africa]. Regd 11.10.37. Impressed as SAAF 1560 .40. Restored as ZS-AKT 13.3.46 to African Flying Services, Grand Central. Regd 7.54 to Trans Oranje Air Services, Zastion. Regd .55 to Drakensberg Air Services, Ladysmith. Badly damaged on landing Mokhotlong, Basutoland 29.11.55; repaired. Regn cld as sold in Belgian Congo 5.8.57. Regd OO-CJU [CofR 1168/C.284] 7.12.57 to Air Brousse SPRL, Leopoldville. Regd 9O-CJU 17.3.61. Regd 9Q-CJU to AMAMZ. |
DH.89A Dragon Rapide
6387 |
DH.89 Dragon Rapide c/n 6387 UK CofA 6129 issued 24.11.37. Regd 22.12.37 to Anglo-American Trading Corporation of South Africa, Johannesburg. Impressed as SAAF 1402 .40. Regd ZS-AME. Regn cld 29.10.49 as sold in Kenya. Regd VP-KHJ .49. Sold to South Africa 8.51. Regd ZS-DFL 15.8.51. Regn cld 12.2.52. Regd in Mozambique as CR-ADH 2.52. |
DH.89A Dragon Rapide
6411 |
DH.89 Dragon Rapide c/n 6411 [CofA 6338 issued 1.7.38]. Regd 30.8.38 to Stewarts & Lloyds of South Africa Ltd. Impressed as SAAF 1401 .40. Restored as ZS-CAB .46 to Department of Transport. Regd ZS-DDX 13.5.50 to Drakensberg Air Services (Pty) Ltd, Ladysmith. Badly damaged by tornado Ladysmith 10.1.55; repaired. Crashed on landing Mokhotlong, Basutoland 24.6.55. Regn cld 8.57. |
DH.89A Dragon Rapide
6429 |
Regd G-AFLZ [CofR 8879] 21.11.38 to Airwork Ltd, Heston. CofA 6444 issued 14.12.38. Operated by School of Air Navigation, Shoreham; later 7 CANS Perth; renamed 7 AONS 30.11.39. To 6 AONS Staverton 23.5.40. Regn cld 15.7.40 by Secretary of State. Impressed as Z7254 15.7.40 and retained by 6 AONS. (Sometime coded “2”). To DH Witney for major inspection 2.7.42. To 1 SofTT Training Flt, Halton 17.12.42. To DH Witney 27.8.43 for maintenance. To 5 MU Kemble 23.11.43. To 10 Grp Comm Flt, Colerne 13.1.44. To 5 MU Kemble 28.12.45. Sold 29.5.46 to Field Consolidated Aircraft Services Ltd. Regd G-AHPX 22.5.46 to Field Consolidated Aircraft Services Ltd, Croydon. Regn cld 12.8.46 as sold abroad. UK CofA 7913 issued 17.9.46. Regd in South Africa as ZS-AYF 19.10.46 to Field Aircraft Services Ltd; operated by Aircraft Operating Co of South Africa Pty. Regd to Aircraft Operating Co of South Africa Pty, Rand. Regn cld 28.8.56 as sold to Belgian Congo. Regd OO-CJS [CofR 1090] 31.7.56 to Air Brousse sprl, Leopoldville. Badly damaged on landing nr Dakar 26.2.60. Regn cld 23.5.60. |
DH.89A Dragon Rapide
6477 |
Toc by RAF as R9549 under Contract 26448/39 at 20 MU 15.2.40. To 44 MU 14.10.41. To Air Taxis Ltd for maintenance 22.11.41; to 44 MU 31.1.42. To 24 Squadron, Hendon 9.8.42. To Air Taxis Ltd for maintenance 23.8.42; to 18 MU 21.11.42. To 47 MU 2.1.43. To South Africa 1.2.43 on SS Clan McNair; arr 20.3.43. To SAAF 1363. To 9 AD. To 62 Air School 28.5.43. To 61 Squadron 14.11.44. To Congella, Durban 9.6.45. [Soc by RAF 26.9.46 as sold locally]. Sold 5.7.46 to OG Davies. Regd ZS-BCD 21.10.46 to Owenair (Pty) Ltd. Regd to OG Davies, Youngsfield; operated by Owenair. Regn cld 22.5.53 as sold to Southern Rhodesia. Regd VP-YKJ 5.53 to Fishair (Pvt) Ltd, Marandellas. Sold to France 10.58. Regd F-OBKH 30.10.58 to Societe Franco-Africaine d'Exploitation t/a Air Gabon, Libreville. Regd mid 59 to Groupement Aeronautique et Automobile, Libreville [operated by Air Gabon]. W/off 8.61. |
DH.89A Dragon Rapide
6498 |
Toc as X7325 under Contract No B.104592/40 at 9 MU 4.9.40. To 7 FPP Sherburn 17.1.41; attached to Blackburn Aircraft Ltd. To 18 MU 5.3.41. To HQ FPP White Waltham 15.4.41. To 10 MU 30.6.41. To 8 MU 29.8.41; returned to 10 MU 3.10.41. To 2 SS Yatesbury 3.8.42. To 18 MU 18.2.44. To 1680 Flight, Prestwick 19.3.44. Transferred 16.4.46 to AAJC, Prestwick. Regd G-AIHN (CofR 10684) 5.9.46 to Railway Air Services Ltd, Speke [on hire from MCA]. CofA 8512 issued 25.10.46. Hired 13.11.46 to Scottish Airways Ltd, Renfrew. Regd 1.2.47 to British European Airways Corporation. Regd 26.11.47 to Gibraltar Airways Ltd. CofA lapsed 7.3.53. Sold 24.6.53 and regd 7.1.54 to AJ Whittemore (Aeradio) Ltd, Croydon. CofA renewed 3.3.54. Regd 24.3.54 to General Mining & Finance Corporation Ltd, Johannesburg. Regn cld 23.7.54 as transferred to South African register. Regd ZS-DJT 23.7.54 to General Mining & Finance Corporation, Rand. Regd 1.59 to African Air Photo (Pty) Ltd, Germiston. To Drakensberg Air Services [unconfirmed]. To Ladysmith Air Charter. Groundlooped and badly damaged Ladysmith 11.10.63. Used for spares and some small parts to SAAF Museum .78, having been found at Oribi Airfield, Maritzburg. |
DH.89A Dragon Rapide
6507 |
Toc as X7334 under Contract No B.104592/40 at 18 MU 17.3.41. To 47 MU 14.4.41. To South Africa on Mandalay 25.5.41. To SAAF 1353 at 9 AD 5.41. To 2 Air School [27.8.41]. To 62 Air School 5.9.41 –[10.42]. For overhaul 9.44. To 25 Group Comm Flt. To 61 Squadron 13.3.45. To 15 AD for storage/disposal 12.4.46. Sold 31.10.46 to Major JWO Billingham, Capetown (for £1,485). [Soc by RAF 28.11.46 as sold locally]. Regd ZS-BEF 18.12.46 to Aviation Industries & associated Services (Pty) Ltd, Capetown. Regd .54 to South West Air Transport (Pty) Ltd, Windhoek. Regn cld 2.8.58. Inspected Ivato 10.12.58. Regd in France as F-OBIO 27.4.59 to Societe Air-Madagascar, Ivato. Regd in Madagascar as 5R-MAO 3.63 to same owner. Regn cld 7.67. |
DH.89A Dragon Rapide
6508 |
Toc as X7335 under Contract No B.104592/40 at 18 MU 17.3.41. To 47 MU 5.4.41. To South Africa on Mandalay 25.5.41. To SAAF 1354 at 9 AD 5.41. To 2 Air School [27.8.41]. To 62 Air School 5.9.41 [-11.42]. To 61 Squadron 14.11.44 [-1.46]. To 15 AD for storage/disposal 23.3.46. To 28 Squadron 12.4.46; returned to 15 AD. Sold 5.7.46 (or 26.8.46) to African Flying Services Ltd, Grand Central (for £1,386). [Soc by RAF 26.9.46 as sold locally]. Regd ZS-BCS 8.10.46. Regn cld 26.9.50 as scrapped (or sold in Southern Rhodesia). Regd VP-YNU 5.56 to Victoria Falls Airways (Pvt) Ltd. Regn cld .61. Regd in Congo as OO-CJW [CofR C.302] 16.2.59 to Air Brousse SPRL, Leopoldville. Reregd 9O-CJW 17.3.61. Reregd 9Q-CJW to AMAMZ, Kinshasa. Wfu after heavy landing. Rts .62. |
DH.89A Dragon Rapide
6510 |
Toc as X7337 under Contract No B.104592/40 at 18 MU 24.3.41. To 47 MU 3.5.41. To South Africa on Lycason 7.6.41. To SAAF 1356 at 9 AD. To 2 Air School 28.8.41. To 62 Air School 5.9.41. High-altitude performance tests 25.9.41. To 24 Group Comm Flight 15.9.44. To 61 Squadron 12.44-1.46. To 15 AD for storage/disposal. To 28 Squadron 18.3.46; returned to 15 AD. Sold 5.7.46 to Coppen & Kotze (for £1,350). [Soc by RAF 26.9.46 as sold locally]. Regd ZS-BCI 2.9.46. Regd 11.46 to South West Air Transport. Renamed South West African Airways Ltd. Regd to Resident Motors Ltd. Regd .52 to Anglo-Transvaal Consolidated Investments Co Ltd, Germiston; operated by Africair Ltd. Dbf on start up Welkom Airfield, OFS 6.9.52; whilst operated by Commercial Air Services, Johannesburg. |
DH.89A Dragon Rapide |
6512 |
Toc as X7339 under Contract No B.104592/40 at 8 MU 28.3.41. To 47 MU 18.4.41. To South Africa on Lycason 7.6.41. To SAAF 1355 at 9 AD. To 2 Air School 28.8.41. To 62 Air School 15.9.41. Crashed Bloemfontein 23.10.41; probably repaired. To 1 Air Depot, Voortrekkerhoogte 9.6.43 for inspection. Soc 25.10.43 as uneconomic to repair. [Soc by RAF as psoc 1.1.47]. |
DH.89A Dragon Rapide
6561 |
Toc as X7401 under Contract No B.104592/40 at 18 MU [undated]. To 10 AOS Dumfries 1.9.41. To 6 AOS Staverton 31.7.42. To DH for maintenance 23.9.42; to 18 MU 8.12.42. To 32 Wing 16.2.43. To RAF Macmerry 22.6.43. To 32 Wing, Turnhouse 1.3.44. To DH for maintenance 18.9.44. To 56 OTU Milfield 6.1.45. To 18 MU 28.3.46. Sold 23.5.46 to Field Consolidated Aircraft Services Ltd. Regd G-AHPY (CofR 10270) 22.5.46 to Field Consolidated Aircraft Services Ltd, Croydon. Regn cld 12.8.46 as sold abroad. Regd in South Africa as ZS-BCP 14.8.46 to OG Davies t/a Owenair, Youngsfield. UK CofA 8014 issued 18.10.46; possibly overhauled by Tollerton Aircraft Services Ltd. Regd .55 to Owenair [Pty] Ltd. Converted to mk.4. To D Steyn, Ladysmith. To spares for ZS-DLS .67 at Natal. |
DH.89A Dragon Rapide
6564 |
Toc as X7404 under Contract No B.104592/40 at 18 MU 12.9.41. To 10 AOS Dumfries 18.9.41. To 3 [O]AFU 14.8.42. To 18 MU 9.9.42. To 47 MU 25.10.42. Shipped to South Africa ex Liverpool 2.12.42 on SS Priam; arr 3.2.43. To SAAF 1362. To 9 AD. To 62 Air School 3.8.43. To Congella, Durban 28.12.44. [Soc by RAF 26.9.46 as sold locally]. Sold 5.7.46 (or 17.7.46) to Ninham Shand (for £1,921). Regd ZS-BCR 22.8.46 to Ninham Shand, Youngsfield. Regn cld as sold in Mozambique 17.6.53. Regd CR-ADT 26.6.53 to Celestino de Avmincao Neves, Quelimane. Regn cld 1.58 to spares. |
DH.89A Dragon Rapide
6619 |
Toc as X7502 against Contract No B.104592/40 at 9 MU 18.3.42. To 47 MU 24.5.42. Shipped ex Glasgow in Empire Might 18.8.42 for Cape Town; arr 16.9.42. To SAAF 1357 at 9 AD 9.42. To 62 Air School 21.10.42. To 24 Group Comm Flight 15.9.44. To 61 Squadron [12.44-4.45]. [Soc by RAF 31.10.46 as sold locally]. Sold .46 to Aircraft Operating Co. Regd ZS-BMV 13.1.47. Regn cld 20.4.47 as sold to Uganda. Regd in Uganda as VP-UBB 4.47. Regd in Kenya as VP-KFI 1.4.48 Jivraj’s Air Service, Mombasa. Regd .51 to Air Travel (Charters) Ltd, Mombasa. To spares 10.52. |
DH.89A Dragon Rapide
6626 |
Toc as X7509 against Contract No B.104592/40 at 9 MU 30.4.42. To 47 MU 24.5.42. Shipped ex Glasgow 18.8.42 on Empire Might to Cape Town; arr 16.9.42. To SAAF 1358. To 9 AD [9.42]. To 62 Air School 15.10.42. To “A” Flight, 11 OTU 15.9.44. To 61 Squadron 12.44-[1.46]. To 15 AD and offered for sale 12.4.46. [Soc by RAF 26.9.46 as sold locally]. Sold 5.7.46 to Aircraft Operating Co (for £2250). Regd ZS-BEA 10.8.46. Regd .53 to OFS Air Services (Pty) Ltd, Bloemfontein. Regd 7.54 to Trans Oranje Air Services (Pty) Ltd, Zastron, OFS; operated by Maluti Air Services, Johannesburg. Crashed Leribe, Basutoland 24.7.54 en route Ficksburg-Tlokoeng; no casualties. Regn cld 24.7.54. Also reported as in operation by South West Air Transport (Pty) Ltd when starboard engine caught fire on start-up and acft dbf Otjimarongo, SWA 22.2.55. |
DH.89A Dragon Rapide
6627 |
Toc as X7510 against Contract No B.104592/40 at 9 MU 30.4.42. To 47 MU 24.5.42. Shipped ex Glasgow 18.8.42 on Empire Might for Cape Town; arr 16.9.42. To SAAF 1359 at 9 AD 9.42. To 62 Air School 15.10.42. To 61 Squadron 2.3.45. To 11 AD 11.1.46. To 28 Squadron 1.2.46. To 15 AD 20.6.46. [Soc by RAF 26.9.46 as sold locally]. Sold 5.7.46 to African Flying Services (for £1,386). Regd ZS-BCT 29.1.47 to African Flying Services. Regn cld 23.5.49 as sold in Kenya. Regd VP-KHF 5.49. Regd 20.9.52 to Caspair Air Charters & Agencies Ltd, Nairobi. Operated by EE [Ted] Fresson as anti-locust crop sprayer 12.53-2.54. Crashed when pilot lost control on take off and dbf 1 ml N of Garissa Aerodrome, Kenya 23.1.55; 1 killed. |
DH.89A Dragon Rapide |
6628 |
Toc as X7511 against Contract No B.104592/40 at 18 MU 14.5.42. To 47 MU 24.5.42. Shipped ex Glasgow 18.8.42 on Empire Might for Cape Town; arr 16.9.42. To SAAF 1361 at 9 AD 9.42. To 62 Air School 15.10.42. Aileron control jammed on take-off Bloemfontein and overturned in forced landing 22.10.42; not repaired. Soc [by SAAF] 31.8.43 and used for spares. [Soc by RAF 6.1.43]. |
DH.89A Dragon Rapide
6637 |
Toc as X7520 against Contract No B.104592/40 at 18 MU 7.7.42. To 27 MU 15.7.42. Shipped ex Glasgow 18.8.42 on Empire Might to Cape Town; arr 16.9.42. To SAAF 1360 at 9 AD 9.42. To 62 Air School 15.10.42. To 11 OTU, A Flight 15.9.44. To 61 Squadron 6.45. Sold .46. [Soc by RAF 31.10.46 as sold locally]. Regd ZS-BMW .47. Regn not taken up. |
DH.89A Dragon Rapide
6658 |
Toc as HG659 against Contract No.6/Acft/2580/C20a but direct to DH Witney for storage 18.8.43. UK CofA 7035 issued 9.11.43. To R&J Park for packing/shipment 15.11.43 and shipped to S Rhodesia via Cape Town on Port Jackson 12.12.43; arr 8.1.44. Soc as to SRAF 15.1.44. Regd VP-YCI 4.2.44 to Southern Rhodesia Air Services. Regd 1.6.46 to Central African Airways. Regn cld 12.49 as sold to South Africa. Regd ZS-DDI 19.10.49 to Associated Manganese Mines of South Africa Ltd, Postmasburg. Regn cld 30.11.59 as sold in Belgian Congo. Regd OO-CJX [CofR C.309] 10.11.59 to Air Brousse SPRL, Leopoldville. Reregd 9O-CJX 17.3.61. Regd 9Q-CJX .62 to AMAMZ, Kinshasa. |
DH.89A Dragon Rapide
6667 |
Toc as HG668 against Contract No.6/Acft/2580/C20a but to DH for storage 7.11.43. To R&J Park for packing/shipment 18.1.44. UK CofA 7053 issued 28.1.44. To S Rhodesia via Cape Town on Neleus 29.1.44; arr 21.2.44. Toc by SRAF 1.4.44 and regd VP-YCN 28.4.44 to Southern Rhodesia Air Services. Regd 1.6.46 to Central African Airways. Regd 4.50 to Trevor Construction Co Ltd. Regd .50 to Coleman Myers. Regd .50 to Air Carriers Ltd, Bulawayo. Regn cld 4.6.51 to South Africa. Regd ZS-DFG 4.6.51 to Africair Ltd. Regd .53 to Anglo-Transvaal Consolidated Investment Co Ltd, Rand. Op .54 by Bechuanaland Air Services. Regd in S.Rhodesia as VP-YMW 24.2.55 to Victoria Falls Airways (Pvt) Ltd, Victoria Falls. Regd .57 to Zambesi Airways Ltd, Victoria Falls. Regd .60 to Victoria Falls Airways (Pvt) Ltd. Regn cld as sold to Belgian Congo 24.8.62. Reportedly dd Congo 26.6.63. |
DH.89A Dragon Rapide
6678 |
Toc as HG693 against Contract No.6/Acft/2580/C20a at 18 MU 4.1.44. To 87 Group Comm Flight, Buc 30.5.45. To 403 [428?] R&SU Deurne 21.6.45; ret to Croydon 30.1.46. To 18 MU 4.4.46. Sold 3.7.46 to Field Consolidated Aircraft Services Ltd. Regd G-AHPW (CofR 10268) 22.5.46 to Field Consolidated Aircraft Services Ltd, Croydon. Regn cld as sold abroad 12.8.46. Regd in South Africa as ZS-BCO 7.9.46 to Field Aircraft Services Ltd. UK CofA 8160 issued 9.10.46. Regn cld 22.8.47 as sold to SRAF. To Southern Rhodesia Air Force as SR24 .47. Regd in Southern Rhodesia as VP-YOY .56 to Gibb Coyne & Sager (Kariba) (Pvt) Ltd, Salisbury; (note c/n quoted as H.9693). Regd .57 to Sir Alexander Gibb & Partners (Africa) Ltd, Salisbury. Destroyed by fire on start up Kariba 25.11.57. |
DH.89A Dragon Rapide |
6680 |
Toc as HG695 against Contract No.6/Acft/2580/C20a at 76 MU 10.1.44. Shipped to Cape Town, South Africa on Ville d'Amiens 12.2.44; arr 26.3.44. To SAAF 1364 at 9 AD. To 62 Air School 12.7.44. To 61 Squadron 10.12.44. To 28 Squadron, Pretoria 4.46. [Soc by RAF 26.9.46 as sold locally]. Sold 9.8.46 to Southern Rhodesian Govt for £3,913. Regd VP-YEZ 7.46 to Central African Airways. Regd 4.50 to CA Pritchard; op by Victoria Falls Airways, Victoria Falls. Regd .51 to Victoria Falls Airways (Pvt) Ltd, Victoria Falls. Damaged beyond repair in hangar collapse in storm Victoria Falls 6.1.55. |
DH.89A Dragon Rapide
6759 |
Toc as NF888 at HQ ATA White Waltham 19.6.44. To 32 MU 25.1.45. To HQ ATA 19.2.45. To 18 MU 27.12.45. Sold 23.5.46 to Field Consolidated Aircraft Services Ltd. Regd G-AHPV (CofR 10267) 22.5.46 to Field Consolidated Aircraft Services Ltd, Croydon. Regn cld 12.8.46 as sold abroad. UK CofA 8013 issued 19.9.46; possibly overhauled by Tollerton Aircraft Services Ltd. Regd in South Africa as ZS-AYG 30.10.46 to Field Aircraft Services Ltd. For operation by Aircraft Operating Co of South Africa but crashed on delivery El Adem 31.10.46. |
DH.89A Dragon Rapide |
6761 |
SAAF 1365. Toc as NF890 at 76 MU 21.6.44. Shipped ex Glasgow to Cape Town on Clan Chattan; desp 5.7.44 [12.7.44?]; arr 11.8.44. To SAAF 1365. To 9 AD. To A Flight, 11 OTU .44. To 61 Squadron 4.45. [Soc by RAF 26.9.46 as sold locally]. To 15 AD. To 28 Squadron 17.3.46; returned to 15 AD for sale 12.4.46. Sold 9.8.46 to S Rhodesia Government (for £3,522). Regd VP-YFA 26.7.46 to Central African Airways. Regn cld 14.7.49 to South Africa. Regd ZS-BZU 14.7.49 to Commercial Air Services Ltd, t/a Comair. To Drakensberg Air Services (Pty) Ltd, Ladysmith. Overturned on landing Mokhotlong, Basutoland, now Lesotho, 10.9.54. Regn cld 7.2.55. |
DH.89A Dragon Rapide |
6773 |
Toc as NR674 at 18 MU 11.7.44. To MAP at DH 17.11.45 [or 27.10.45]. To MAP at Hanworth 3.12.45. Sold [undated] to Hunting Aviation Ltd. Regd G-AGZU (CofR 9871) 22.1.46 to Hunting Air Travel Ltd, Luton. CofA 7359 issued 12.2.46. Regd 25.10.46 to Cecil Kay Aircraft (1945) Ltd, Elmdon. Regd 18.11.47 to Cecil Kay Ltd. Regd 1.4.48 to Herts & Essex Aviation Ltd, Broxbourne (later Stapleford). Regd 22.4.48 to Herts & Essex Aero Club (1946) Ltd, Stapleford. Regd 24.3.55 to Alan Coutts Williams, Durban, South Africa. Regn cld 28.4.55 as sold to South Africa. Regd ZS-DLS 24.4.55 (or 28.4.55) to Enterprise Clothing Manufacturers (SA) Ltd, Durban. Regd 7.57 to JL Palframan, Durban. Regd 3.60 to General Aircraft (Pty) Ltd, Durban. Regd (8.68) to D Steyn t/a Ladysmith Air, Ladysmith. To Arthur Mechin, Baragwanath. Wfu Baragwanath and regn cld 19.4.71. Remains to Oribi Airport, Maritzburg. Centre section, wings and tail to SAAF Museum, Lanseria 6.76. |
DH.89A Dragon Rapide |
6788 |
Toc as NR689 at 76 MU for packing 23.8.44. Shipped to South Africa ex Birkenhead 19.9.44 [22.9.44?] on City of Calcutta 22.9.44; arr Capetown 12.10.44. To SAAF 1366 at 9 AD. To 61 Squadron 1.45. To 15 AD 1.46. To 28 Squadron 2.2.46-29.3.46. Sold 9.8.46 (or 19.7.46) to Dept of Transport. [Soc by RAF 26.9.46 as sold locally]. Regd ZS-CAC 10.9.46 to Department of Transport. Regd ZS-BZC 11.5.48 to unknown. Seized in Jordan 19.11.51. |
DH.89A Dragon Rapide |
6831 |
Toc as NR743 at 4 RS Madley 10.1.45. To 5 MU 2.12.46. Sold 1.7.47 to BOAC. UK CofA 9851 issued 14.11.47. Regd VP-KEF .47 to East African Airways Corporation, Nairobi. Regd 6.7.60 to Seychelles-Kilimanjaro Air Transport, Nairobi. Regd in Tanganyika as 5H-AAN .64 to same owner. Regd .69 [.67?] to A-D Aviation Co Ltd, Nairobi. Damaged Entebbe 3.3.69 when brakes seized; repaired. Regd .71 to WJ Baker; named "African Queen". Delivered by air Mombasa to Mahe 21.2.73 to Air Mahe, Seychelles (and probably allocated VQ-SAD or possibly VQ-SAG, but not taken up). To South Africa 12.74. Regd ZS-JGV 12.74 to John English, Plettenburg Bay Airfield, Durban; later Port Elizabeth. For sale .96 by Mandy English, t/a Progress Flight Academy, Port Elizabeth. To Port Alfred 8.02 for rebuild by Donald Johnson [still owned by English]; roaded back .04 to Port Elizabeth for final erection. Last flown in 1996 it was purchased, in early 2011, by Mark Sahd, custodian of The Historic Wings Collection (HWC) in Queenstown in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. Update 2014/06/08 from Mark Sahd. "The restoration of the Rapide is starting to gather pace with the painting of the fuselage almost complete. First engine runs are planned to take place in the next couple of weeks and conclusion of the fuselage with the final installation of the instrument panel."
The Rapide restoration is taking place at Air Hart, East London Airport.
Visit the Historic Wings Collection Facebook page here |
DH.89A Dragon Rapide |
6833 |
Toc as NR745 at DH Witney 18.12.44. UK CofA 7166 issued 24.3.45. To 2 Aircraft Preparation Unit, Filton 27.3.45 for shipment to S Rhodesia; desp 9.4.45; arr Cairo 13.4.45 & Salisbury 21.4.45. To VP-YCO 21.9.45 to Southern Rhodesia Air Services. Regd 6.46 to Central African Airways. Regn cld 23.8.49 as sold to South Africa. Regd ZS-DDH 23.8.49 to Africair Ltd, Germiston. CofA lapsed 28.3.57. Reportedly returned to S.Rhodesia and regn cld 29.1.60 as exported. Presumed used for spares. |
DH.89A Dragon Rapide |
6834 |
Toc as NR746 at DH Witney 18.12.44. UK CofA 7165 issued 24.3.45. To 2 Aircraft Preparation Unit, Filton 27.3.45 for shipment to S Rhodesia; desp 9.4.45; arr Cairo 13.4.45 & Salisbury 21.4.45. To VP-YCP 21.9.45 to Southern Rhodesia Air Services. Regd 6.46 to Central African Airways. Regn cld 4.48 to South Africa. Regd ZS-BYT 9.4.48. Probably delivered in Pan African Air Charter c/s to Israel 5.48. Regn cld 29.6.48 as sold to Israel. To Israel Air Force 6.48. |
DH.89A Dragon Rapide |
6914 |
Toc as NR850 at DH Witney 14.8.45. CofA 7540 issued 18.3.46. Sold 23.3.46 to Aircraft Operating Co Ltd. Regd ZS-ATV 12.4.46 to Aircraft Operating Co of South Africa Pty Ltd. Crashed on take-off & dbf Thysville Airfield, Belgian Congo 5.6.51. Regn cld 26.10.51. |
DH.89A Dragon Rapide |
6915 |
Toc as NR851 at DH Witney 22.8.45. CofA 7539 issued 22.3.46. Sold 23.3.46 to Aircraft Operating Co Ltd. Regd ZS-ATW 12.4.46 to Aircraft Operating Co of South Africa Pty Ltd. Dbf on engine start-up Beit Bridge, S Rhodesia 11.12.46. |
DH.89A Dragon Rapide |
6925 |
Toc as RL943 against Contract No.6/Acft/2580/C2a at DH Witney 30.10.45. CofA 7513 issued 20.2.46 (to DH Aircraft of SA). Sold 17.3.46 to Southern Rhodesia. Regd VP-YDE 4.46 to Southern Rhodesia Air Services Ltd. Regd 6.46 to Central African Airways. Regn cld 8.49 to South Africa. Regd ZS-BZV 15.8.49 to Commercial Air Services Ltd, t/a Comair, Johannesburg. Regd .51 to Drakensberg Air Services (Pty) Ltd, Ladysmith. Badly damaged in tornado Ladysmith 10.1.55; repaired. Regn cld 26.10.56 as sold in Belgian Congo. Regd OO-CJT [CofR 1110/C268] 27.10.56 to Air Brousse SPRL, Leopoldville. Reregd 9O-CJT .61; probably ntu. Ran out of fuel and crashed nr Molegbe, nr Brazzaville 6.10.60. Regn cld 30.11.60. |
DH.89A Dragon Rapid |
6969 |
Allocated TX311 but sold to De Havillands 15.4.46. CofA 8641 issued 24.10.46. Regd ZS-AXS 30.10.46 to South West Air Transport (Pty) Ltd. Regd 12.49 to Suidair International Airways Ltd. Regd .51 to A Shaban, Germiston. Regn cld 30.8.51 as sold abroad. Regd in Southern Rhodesia as VP-YIU 30.3.51 to Igusi (Rhodesia) Ltd, Bulawayo. Regd .52 to HD Hooper, Kumalo. Regd .54 ro The Corner House (Pvt) Ltd. Regn cld early .55. Regd in Mozambique as CR-AEQ 15.2.55 to Jorge Candido Guerva, Beira. To Taxi Aereo de Mocambique. Noted derelict Beira 9.59. |
DH.89A Dragon Rapide |
? |
SAAF 1367? |
DH.89A Dragon Rapide |
? |
SAAF 1368? |
DH.89A Dragon Rapide |
? |
SAAF 1369? |